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Slow Cooker Chipped Beef/Sausage Biscuits and Gravy * *

Slow Cooker Chip Beef and/or Sausage White Gravy

  • Cooking Time:

    2 hours, depending on temperature of crock pot
  • Servings:



1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. flour, self rising
1/4 Gallon, Milk (separately)
1/4 Gallon, Milk (separately)
8 oz. dried beef or 1 lb. sausage, cooked
salt and pepper to taste

Our compliments go to Charlene B. for sharing her Slow Cooker Chip Beef and/or Sausage White Gravy. We had several Facebook Friends request Charlene to post her recipe as it sounds delicious!

  1. Melt butter on High in crock of slow cooker.
  2. With a whisk mix in self rising flour. It will look like a ball.
  3. Add first 1/4 gallon of milk.
  4. Whisk until the butter and flour ball is mixed with the milk.
  5. Add the other 1/4 gallon of milk to the crock.
  6. Whisk together….
  7. Cover. Reduce heat to Low and mix in (dried chip beef; torn in small pieced, or a small roll of cooked sausage; drained and chopped).
  8. Continue to crock on medium or Low, depending on when you want it done.
  9. Stir every 20 to 30 minutes. It will slowly thicken and be creamy.
  10. Pour over some butter biscuits, salt and pepper to taste.

Happy Crocking!

Provided by Charlene B., via facebook

For over 450 more Slow Cooker recipes, click here to get my eBook!



Crock Pot Chip Beef and Sausage White Gravy


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11 years ago

What is the total cook time?

10 years ago

I tried this today but after 4 hours it was still a thin runny soup not gravy. Are you sure that you only use 1/2 cup flour with a gallon of milk?

Carl Riley
Carl Riley
6 years ago
Reply to  cindy

You used to much milk, it is supposed to be 1/2 gallon total

10 years ago

Can portions be frozen for later?

9 years ago

Doesn’t a gallon of milk seem extreme? Who needs that much gravy? Lol

3 years ago
Reply to  Jersey

The recipe calls for one half gallon total, split into 2 quarter gallons. 8 cups total.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jersey

That’s why the recipe uses half a gallon.

9 years ago

This recipe did not work for me at all! After THREE hours it was still soupy as can be. I had added more flour and it still wasn’t thickening so I ended up removing half the liquid, adding 1/2 cup more flour and bringing it all to a boil on the stove where it thickened in a few minutes. I think anyone making this should halve the milk, up the flour and be prepared to cook it all day. I have a BRAND NEW kitchenaid crockpot and it still didn’t cook in 2 hours.

9 years ago

What size slow cooker should be used for this recipe? Thinking about making it for a breakfast potluck at work. =)

Mark McCay
Mark McCay
9 years ago

I’m looking to start it at night and let it cook overnight so it will be ready in the morning when we wake. What adjustments should I make?

9 years ago

I love Sausage Gravy and Biscuits! I will be coking this overnight (If possible) as well. That way we will have breakfast already made on New Years Day. Thank you for the recipe!

Also, I noticed some of the previous commenters are saying that your batch was too soupy and then said you used a whole gallon, the recipe above is only using a 1/2 gallon, so that might be your problem!

Happy New Years everyone!

9 years ago

For anyone who made this overnight how did it turn out?


[…]  Slow Cooker Sausage Gravy from Get […]

7 years ago

Can this be made the day before a pot luck? If so, any adjustments when reheating? Than You!!!

Meet Jenn Bare

Jenn is the founder of GetCrocked, the #1 resource for slow cooking with over 1.5 million online followers. She innovates recipes daily with her favorite tool in the kitchen, the Crock-Pot® slow cooker.

She innovates recipes daily...

Jenn Bare is a Mom, Chef & the Crock-Pot® Girl. She hosts a weekly "Mom Monday" segment on ABC-15 in Phoenix.

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